It's neither summer nor fall here. The calendar says one thing, the weather another. I don't mind too much; honestly, the rain and clouds suit my mood a whole lot better than sunshine and sweat right now. At any rate, we're in that in between time where getting dressed is like balancing a set of scales: long-sleeved shirt and shorts? Short sleeves and jeans? Socks and sneakers or sandals? Should I bring a sweater? One minute you're hot, the other, cold.
Our church plant is still negotiating for a location. We're on a week-by-week basis at our current adequate-but-not-perfect meeting spot. The lead pastor approached dh (Missions and Outreach Director) this week about why our children are not in the Sunday School programs. Hmmmm... could be that they have had enough changes lately without us placing them in one set-up for a couple of weeks and then expecting them to adapt to another. (There's more to this issue that I don't feel I can share.) I know the pastor means well, but he is clueless in this area, frankly.
We still have not heard anything from our adoption agency. I know that this means that they have not heard anything from the state; welcome to the imperfect world of DSHS. Until a phone call comes in either direction ("Come pick up your daughter!" or "We'll keep looking for you."), my whole family continues to limbo, limbo.
I think I'd like to break that stick over my knee right now, frankly.
I read Psalm 5 the other morning and was caught by this verse:
In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait expectantly.
That sure sounds nicer than limbo, doesn't it?