
Friday, May 22, 2009


Today is Logan's birthday.

Logan--my third baby in 4 years.

Logan--when I heard the news that I was pregnant with him, I hit a hard, almost impossible to shake stumble.

Logan--whose actual birth was a miracle that opened my eyes to the grace and mercy that is always present in Christ.

Logan--whose smile lights my world in the most dark of days.


If I were "liberated" and "free" and "practical" in my thinking by the world's standards, I would have put my foot down and aborted that baby.

Thank you Jesus that you never let that option creep into my mind. Thank you that even in my haze of "I can't do this!" I had people who love and support me. People who helped my eyes turn back to YOU, and YOUR glory, and YOUR plan.

Because without that, I might not have Logan. I might have been a victim of the world's thinking: this baby wasn't planned. Wasn't convenient. Wasn't worth the trouble.

What would the world be without my Logan? I can't imagine.

And neither could you, Jesus. And that's why he's here.

Because You are bigger than an overwhelmed mother's fears and failings. You ARE enough.

Please help other mothers who find themselves where I was that fall of 2001 see the pure joy that's coming 7 years down the road. Help them to surrender THEIR hopes and THEIR desires to you.

Because Logan was--is--will always be WORTH IT.

Thank you for my son, Lord.


Barry and Amy said...

So sweet!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my. How I needed to read this right this very second as my "Logan" is in his room yet again, banned as it were from all interaction with the rest of the family ....the child that pushes me to the very edge and then pokes me from behind....but could I, would I choose one second of life without him? Never. I think I will go re-connect with my wayward son over a yogurt smoothie, yes I will.


Benny said...

Happy, Happy birthday Logan.

We all love you so very much.

And we are daily thankful that God brought you into the world, and into OUR world.

Benny, Benny's Man, Punky, Finny, Goose and Girly Pie

Overwhelmed! said...

Happy Birthday, Logan! :)

Ericka said...

Thank you that even in my haze of "I can't do this!" I had people who love and support me. People who helped my eyes turn back to YOU, and YOUR glory, and YOUR plan.

You've been very, very blessed - sooooo many women and girls don't have that support.

Happy Birthdy dear boy.