Every once in a while, I go back and read this post. And I laugh. Because as sure as I was at that time that a door had been closed, little did I know that it was only truly being opened. My painful journey through infertility and loss had brought me to a place where I could finally embrace joy. Soon enough, I'd be embracing Seven.
God is funny like that.
Surrender always brings peace. But sometimes, it brings more.
I'm serious. I've bitten Ella b/c she's so cute. Good thing you live on the opposite coast or you'd have to hide her from me. ;)
I can't imagine being at a place where I don't think we'll have anymore babies. I'm not ready for that place. But with Africa looming in the near future, I can't imagine adjusting to a new continent w/ a new baby in my arms.
Good thing God knows what He's doing, but I surely don't.
I often think of that specific post when I look at you with Seven. And I often chuckle inside at God's great love and His quirky sense of humor, too. ;o)
Oh my! Seven is such a doll. She was adorable before, but the older she gets the more PRECIOUS she is becoming. What kissable little cheekies!!
I could eat her with a spoon.
I'm serious. I've bitten Ella b/c she's so cute. Good thing you live on the opposite coast or you'd have to hide her from me. ;)
I can't imagine being at a place where I don't think we'll have anymore babies. I'm not ready for that place. But with Africa looming in the near future, I can't imagine adjusting to a new continent w/ a new baby in my arms.
Good thing God knows what He's doing, but I surely don't.
Love that last line...so profound. Thanks for that. She is A-Dorable!! I love her cute face.
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful (this post and the one you linked). Something I very much needed to read, exactly right now. Thank you.
I think that was how Isaac ended up being called "laughter", yes?
I'm so happy for you!
I often think of that specific post when I look at you with Seven. And I often chuckle inside at God's great love and His quirky sense of humor, too. ;o)
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