
Wednesday, July 3, 2013


The Lord has, as always, provided.

I received word this morning that Mr. Blandings has been offered a new position.

With higher pay.

Because this is our God--

He is not only the One who calls home servants, who leads us through deserts, who refines His children. He is the God who gives abundantly, the God who defines the word "lavish," the One who meets us in our need, places His hand on our weary heads and whispers, "Be still."

Of course, there is more to this story. The Blandings family is falling headlong into a season of promise. I can't wait to share it with you.


You Can Call Me Jane said...

Praise the Lord, O my soul! I am rejoicing with your family and look forward to hearing more about it. Relax into it. As you know, He had you all along:-).

Michelle said...

Hallelujah!!! I'm so glad to hear this news. You've been in my prayers. :-)