Today, I just want to go home. But I can't. I'm a grown up now, and no matter how bad the sucker punches of life sting, you stand up and take them. Big girls don't go running home to their Mamaw, even if they want to so bad they can hear the sound of the coal cars rattling on the train tracks. Instead, we cry when our kids aren't looking and we make corn bread whether it goes with our supper or not. And, when we're really lonely, we fill our blog with the images we want to see most of all.

Awww, I totally understand being homesick. I hate that feeling. I am blessed to have not had that feeling for quite awhile, but it's in my memory.
I considered Kentucky for college. I grew up in Louisiana, but KY sounded so beautiful and lovely and far from home. Ü In the end, I couldn't do it. It sure looks pretty though.
I am sorry about your family not being chosen for the young girl. I can imagine your pain.
I am praying that He is holding you and giving you comfort.
Oh, I feel this. I've lived it. And now that season is *over.* May your season work His goodness and joy in you, and may you know Him as never before. Hugs to you. PS--I had a Kentucky Momma (Ma-Maw Grandmother. She will always live in my heart)
Boy, can I ever relate to that. Fortunately, my years away from the south are over, but I remember them well. Here's a poem I wrote while "in exile":
LOL! Cornbread whether it goes with your supper or not! I've done that. One day last week I just wanted cornbread so I fixed chicken soup for supper. The rest of the family had soup with cornbread on the side. Me? I had cornbread for my supper. The little dab of soup I ate was the side dish! Then I had the leftover cornbread for breakfast.
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