We love books on CD here at the Blandings house. We also love classic children's tales. And yes, we love classical music. Combine all of that together, and you're bound to have a winner.
Maestro Classics are definitely a winner.
Blending a beautiful retelling of a beloved children's story with fabulous musicianship, these cds are the perfect backdrop for a quiet rest time, a short drive, or a little background distraction during some intensive preschool artwork. We received a copy of "The Tortoise and the Hare" and were delighted with the beautiful orchestrations and simple, classical story-telling. All of the Blandings kids were occupied with listening intently; That's saying something when you have a crew of kids aged 18 months through 12 years focusing on the same story cd!
The cds are each nearly an hour long and retail for $16.98. Samples are available on the website. Highly recommended as a homeschool library builder or a gift!
Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of this product for review purposes. Refer to my general disclaimer for more information on my policies regarding reviews.
Thanks for this review. I've ordered their Peter and the Wolf. I have such fond memories of listening to this story (with music) on my grandparent's little record player. They had so many great children's books with records. Why do all the audio books have to be so expensive? Thank you for introducing me to this reasonable exception- I just wish they had more titles.
Hi Mary Grace!
This is a belated thanks for the wonderful review of our Tortoise and the Hare CD. I just wanted to let you know that since you reviewed our CD we've made a Facebook page so that our fans can participate in monthly giveaways (we have a big one coming up for the full 8 CD set!) and get coupons. We'd love to invite you and your readers to join our page or check out our new free homeschool music curriculum guides and thanks again for the lovely review!
Maestro Classics
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