
Friday, March 19, 2010

Homeschooling is cool like that

I read this post over at A Baker's Dozen today and found myself grinning from ear to ear. Why? Because this, to me, is one of the best parts of homeschooling: with the doors to personal interests left open, and not restrained by a set curriculum laid down by a bureaucrat whose prime goal is to secure state and federal funding, our children can accomplish and experience so much more than we've ever imagined.

Listen to the interests God has placed on your child's heart. Follow their calling. And let them dream big--God-sized dreams!

Homeschooling can be about freedom and true, eye-opening education. Or it can be about getting the job done and checking off the boxes. As the song says ... free your mind, and the rest will follow.


You Can Call Me Jane said...

What a great link and post. I must say, I'm a tad jealous. I look forward to becoming a doula one day when my kids are independent- I have some of those same books:-). What an awesome opportunity. One of the many benefits of homeschooling. That and, according to Sam this afternoon, roller-skating your worksheet into the kitchen for mom to check. He didn't think they'd let him do that in "big school".

The Hayes Zoo said...

Wow MG - this was encouraging as I currently feel buried in the UNCHECKED boxes and naught to show for it, even for my kids.

Luke Holzmann said...

Homeschooling seems to be as much a life-approach as a method of educating. And that life-approach makes for beautiful things like learning something that interests you. Homeschooling is totally cool like that [smile].
