I am simply in awe at the outpouring of prayer and encouragement that has flowed my way in just 24 hours.
Most amazing to me is the fact that God never fails to stir reaction in the hearts of others when I need to hear from Him most of all. Scripture, hugs of both the flesh and cyber varieties, and notes of sympathy have fallen on my heart with the cadence they would assume if I was hearing from my Father Himself.
This is the beauty of community in Christ, is it not?
So thank you to everyone who has commented, written and called. You have made a terrible blow that much less crippling.
I also wanted to pass along a comment made by our social worker:
"Work in the stock room at Lowe's if you have to, but whatever you do, don't be unemployed."
This was what she had to say after reading the newspaper story published this a.m. regarding my husband's position being cut. Yes, folks, there's nothing that makes a man stand quite as tall as having a newspaper story publicize the fact that you'll be unemployed come the new year.
We will be heeding her advice, by the way. No one is prying these babies from my arms that easily.
Oh, your social worker really sounds like she's on your side, though it had to be very hard to hear. I am eager for a VERY positive update and answer to prayer in the coming weeks.
You will be in my heart - we are going through a great period of uncertainty with our 2 foster children whom we're hoping to adopt soon. I will be praying for your family.
Glad you have your social worker.
I have been following your blog for a short time. I am a foster, adoptive, bio - mom to 5 blessings. We also homeschool here in CA.
It took 4 1/2 yrs. to finalize our 2 boys (through foster care) and during that time we dealt with self employment, unemployment, and other obsticals. Through it all He was faithful and we came out at the other end more convinced than ever that He places those in our family that He chooses and He provides provision for that to happen.
Know that my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.
Atta Girl! You're Irish, right? Well, God made you that for a reason, aye?
Mary Grace,
I'm sorry I haven't been here for the past week, so I haven't been able to take part in the prayers and encouragement. Looks like other people have stepped up too. And, yes, that is a great picture of the community of Christ. Excellent point.
Lord, I ask that You give Mary Grace's husband the perfect job for him. May it more than provide for their needs and give him joy in what he does. Give peace to the family as they wait on You. Amen.
Hang in there!
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