Cloth diapering update
I realized that I haven't shared our cloth diapering experiences in a little while. Since that's one of the top five keyword searches that lead folks to this blog (the others being "homeschooling," "adoption," "writing," and "foster-adoption," in that order) I should do my readers the courtesy of passing along the fact that we are, indeed, happily still CDing Oliver. I mainly use the BumGenius 3.0s at this point, saving the pre-folds for back-ups. We have a dozen BG's, and I rarely run out. I do a load of diapers every other evening, and that keeps things moving enough to generally have a BG on hand. The pre-folds and Bummis, I've found, are great for certain times of the day, though. Nap times are primarily pre-folds. Don't know why, but they seem to handle that time period better. Overnight I use a BG with a doubler, just in case, though we've only had one night that he leaked.
I did, finally, figure out the snappi, too.
That was a lifesaver once Oli started walking, as the fold I'd been using caused too much bulk in the front for a walker to really, you know ... walk. So I switched to a twist-fold and use a snappi to secure it before Velcroing on the Bummi wrap.
All of our diapers still look pretty much brand new as far as I'm concerned. The BG inserts have some staining, but I've yet to try the sunning it out procedure. The velcro tabs are holding up nicely, and I've only had some slight curling on the edges of the Bummi tabs. That's after months of constant use and washing.
I am still so glad you turned me on to the Bum Genius Diapers. ;o) Girly Pie does great in them.
Any advice though, for when they are starting to get a bit of an amonia smell? Can I bleach them even though the outer part is so colorful?
To Benny.... try bleaching just the inserts. You might find that takes care of the problem. I wouldn't use bleach on the BG itself.
That's the main draw back to using synthetics in cloth diapering. When you use just cotton, the stink issue is really much less of a problem. But those synthetics sure do like to hold on to the odors.
MG - glad the cloth diapering is going well! I started using them about 4 years ago and just love them! I use the wonderful, awesome prefolds from Green Mountain Diapers ( and covers mostly but I'm thinking about getting a few BG to have for outings and such. I'm glad to read yours are holding up well so far.
Yay for cloth diapering! Im glad its working for you.
And Benny.. You can bleach the pocket diaper but try just the inserts first. And if you still have stink then use a tiny bit with your pockets. Also Calgon helps if you have hard water.:)
I always love reading another's blog on CDing. The bG3s are definitely my fave, as well. Indeed, the sun works on stains and smells alike. The inserts will definitely need a full day of sun to get the stains out if you haven't done that in a while. Otherwise, I have had no problems with bleach in my wash cycle. I do them all together, covers and inserts, because the fleece holds the ammonia smell as well. I only use a 1/4 to 1/2 cup bleach in an extra large load, but it works.
I wish you all the fun that cloth diapering offers, and pray God Blesses you and yours!
PS thank for reading MY blog! LOL
Hey I clothed! Mother ease, loved them!
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